Universities are constantly striving to improve, but at this point, higher education is at a crossroads. They’re lowering costs, expanding access, and refining curriculums, but are we focusing on the issues that matter most to students, and ultimately, to the success of higher education itself?

What are the problems that truly need solving? Is the primary problem the skyrocketing cost of tuition? Is it the lack of access for underrepresented communities? Maybe it's the time it takes to earn a degree or the persistently low completion rates. Or maybe the key lies in how well we prepare students for their careers post-graduation. While all these issues are critical, there is one frequently missed area that deserves more attention – financial literacy.

Beyond the Obvious

Cost, access, and completion rates are undeniably important metrics. Yet, a recent survey by the National Financial Educators Council found a staggering 76% of college students wished they had received more personal finance guidance.1 This points to a crucial, often overlooked problem: lack of financial literacy.

The Crucial Role of Financial Literacy

Imagine a student graduating with a coveted degree, but drowning in debt and credit card bills. This, unfortunately, is a reality for many.  Financial literacy empowers students to navigate the complexities of student loans, budgeting, saving, and responsible credit use. This doesn't just benefit them – it strengthens higher education as a whole.

A Win-Win for All

Students with strong financial literacy are:

  • More likely to graduate on time (fewer financial roadblocks)
  • Less likely to default on student loans (protecting institutions)
  • Better prepared for the financial realities of post-grad life (increased graduate satisfaction)

Institutions that prioritize financial wellness see:

  • Improved student retention rates
  • Enhanced graduate employability (financially capable graduates are more marketable)
  • A stronger reputation for preparing students for life beyond the classroom

iGrad: Leading the Charge in Financial Literacy

iGrad's white-label financial literacy program seamlessly integrates with your existing resources and is designed specifically to meet the needs of colleges and universities. By providing personalized financial education and wellness resources, iGrad helps students build a strong foundation for financial success. The program’s interactive tools, comprehensive modules, and tailored content ensure that students receive the support they need at every stage of their educational journey.

Customizable Solutions

iGrad’s customizable solutions allow institutions to seamlessly integrate financial literacy into their existing frameworks. Our engaging, interactive modules cover budgeting, debt management, responsible credit use, and more. iGrad provides the flexibility needed to meet diverse student needs and allows them to learn at their own pace, on their own terms. 

Data-Driven Impact

Using data-driven insights, iGrad continuously assesses the effectiveness of its programs, ensuring that they deliver measurable results. This commitment to continuous improvement means that institutions can rely on iGrad to provide the highest quality financial education.

Invest in Your Students' Future – Invest in Your Institution's Future

As higher education continues to evolve, addressing the right problems is crucial for creating a sustainable and equitable future. While cost, access, time to degree, completion rates, and career preparedness are all vital issues, financial literacy and wellness are foundational to solving these challenges.

By prioritizing financial literacy, you're not just preparing your students for academic success, you're setting them up for a lifetime of financial well-being.  Contact iGrad today and let's work together to tackle the right problems – for the benefit of your students and your institution.



1 - KeyBank